Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Mother Earth Appeal Pope Francis Letter About Climate Change

Can we save the earth?

I am a firm believer that the Higher Consciousness that designed and developed this spectacular earth and mankind must have a plan.

From what I experienced of this Higher Mind, I deduct that it doesn't have any intention of permitting us to destroy the world or to trigger mass extinction. Had this been the case, we'd have already done it. There are sufficient weapons able of wiping out all life a hundred times over, and there's no lack of insane individuals willing to release them.

Global warming and climate change herald a shift in evolution and consciousness.

Has Higher Intelligence lost grip of creation?  Certainly not -- I am absolutely sure that we're actually very close to experiencing a magnificent change.

This unexpected event would set a fabulous condition within which individuals who are capable of working for the best interest of the entire planet will prosper. This evolutionary event will impact on those people who are not capable of injuring any life form, and who feel a strong relationship with Mother Earth

I do know for certain that these particular men and women perceive within their souls that there is a reason they're here, and that this reason hasn't as yet materialized

If you're reading this you will probably feel this in your soul. I imagine lots of other subscribers to this webpage feel exactly the same.

This video contains excerpts of  Pope's Francis Encyclical Letter "Laudato Si".
I don't care for religions, but the message of this good man is compelling.  Click here to read the full letter and get more free videos, audios and tools that will help ypu "save" Mother Earth.

No doomsday necessary for the right kind of people

So, although we are experiencing gloomy and treacherous days, I I know they herald a positive event: that will see the human race achieve marvelous accomplishments in technology for the benefit of all life worldwide.

You don't need to turn into a prophet or have psychic abilities, or even have faith based beliefs to understand the fact that things cannot continue the way they are right now

At the same time, I don't believe in doomsday predictions. The Creative Force I observe in my life does not usually work in this way.

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